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Children's Health

Our Services at Glengarriff Medical Centre

Medical Care in the case of Childhood Illness


If your child is unwell please contact the practice and we will advise and see the child as quickly as possible and on the same day if necessary.


Health Checks


We provide specific health checks for your child starting with the 2 and 6 week baby checks.

Periodic Health checks are available at 2 & 5 years of age and annual checks are provided if your child has a diagnosis of asthma.


Recommended Resource:


GP Visit Cards


All children under the age of 6 are entitled to a free GP visit card and our practice is registered to provide care under this scheme. This entitles your child to free GP visits and out of hours urgent GP care through Southdoc.


To apply please click here


If your child already has a medical card, there is no need to register them for inclusion in this scheme. However if your family circumstances change in the future and your family are no longer eligible for medical cards, you can then register your children under the age of 6 years for a GP visit card.




To contact Southdoc for out of hours urgent GP care please phone: 1850 335 999



Childhood Vaccines


Immunisation is a simple, safe and effective way of protecting babies and children against certain diseases. You can make an appointment with your doctor or nurse to get these vaccines.


The baby vaccines are administered at 2, 4, 6, 12 & 13 months of age and are free of charge.

Please see the following link for further information


There are other vaccines available such as the chicken pox vaccine and if you wish your child to have this vaccine please speak to the doctor or nurse.


Vaccines not included in the HSE schedule will incur an additional charge. For further information click on the link



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