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Useful Links

Al Anon & Alateen Ireland - support for family and friends of problem drinkers


Alcoholics Anonymous - support for anyone suffering because of their drinking


Ask About Alcohol - information about how alcohol affects your health


Arthritis Ireland - support for people suffering from arthritis


Asthma Society of Ireland - information and support for asthma sufferers – very useful section on inhaler techniques


Autism -Irish Society  – dedicated organisation for people with Autism in Ireland


Aware - support, education and information services for people impacted by depression and bipolar disorder


Alzheimer Society of Ireland - support services for people suffering from dementia in Ireland

Baby & Toddler Health -information on all aspects of caring for your child including feeding, development, safety & more


Bodywhys - the national voluntary organisation supporting people affected by eating disorders


Breast Check –screening programme for breast cancer for those aged 50-69 


Cervical Check -screening programme for cervical cancer for those aged 25-65


Covid 19 - information and guidance on all topics relating to Covid 19


Cork Arc Cancer Support House -supports for people with cancer and their families-house in Bantry


Crisis Pregnancy -information and supports on all options in an unplanned pregnancy


Cystic Fibrosis Ireland -provide advice and information to members on any issue relating to Cystic Fibrosis.


Diabetic Retina Screen - retina (back of eye) screening for anyone aged 12 or older who suffers from diabetes-register here


Diabetes Ireland -information and supports relating to all aspects of diabetes


Dyslexia association of Ireland -supporting children and adults with dyslexia


Epilepsy Ireland - information and services available for people with epilepsy


Erectile Dysfunction - information on impotence, causes and treatments


European Health Insurance Card - this card lets you get healthcare in another EU or European Economic Area (EEA) state for free, or at a reduced cost.


Health Service Executive – locate health services here , apply for medical cards here or 

GP visit card here (including over 70s  under 6s and carers cards), birth death & marriage certs here or find information on many conditions here


Health Protection Surveillance Centre – data on infectious diseases circulating in Ireland including Covid 19


Health Promotion - information on a wide range of topics such as healthy eating, alcohol, drugs, physical activity etc


Immunisations -up to date information on vaccination programmes in Ireland


Irish Cancer Society - Information and support for cancer patients and their loved ones


Irish Heart Foundation - information and advice relating to heart disease and stroke


Irish Kidney Association - information and services for renal patients, their families and carers, living with and affected by end stage renal disease


Irish Skin Foundation - information on psoriasis


Irish Wheelchair Association - providing a wide range of services for people with physical disabilities


Migraine Association of Ireland - information and supports to people suffering from migraine and other headache disorders


MS Ireland - information and supports for people suffering from Multiple Sclerosis


The Adoption Authority of Ireland - regulatory body for adoption 


The Health Insurance Authority - regulatory authority on health insurance in Ireland- compare health insurance plans

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